Racial max stats
19 19 20 18 25 18

Str: Int: Con: Wis: Dex: Cha:

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Small, tough and wily, Goblins are known for being good at a lot of things, with the general exception of magic. Quick and hardy, goblins make excellent thieves due to their generally high dexterity and small stature, though persistent individuals have managed in the past to succeed at a wide variety of careers, including magical ones. Goblins despise daylight, dwarves, elves, and humans, and prefer to torture and tease any creatures which they may come across. They also conceive of trolls and ogres as utterly insufferable, generally because, like orcs, these races tend to use their superior size and strength to bully goblins into doing what they don't want to do. Goblins will not associate with Dwarves, due to long-standing tensions and a bloody history between the two races, nor do they particularly like Elves (of any type). Dwarves are viewed with outright hatred, due to their continued butchery of innocent goblins over countless centuries. "The only good part of a dwarf is his scalp" states a common Goblin proverb.